
iba4jesus Partnership

Blessed Partners
iba4jesus Partnership
Johnny Lever's Testimony
Jesus In Egypt
Jumbo Talk
Dason Online!
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Usefull Links
An Appeal to Prayer Warriors!
Hello friends!
International Believers Alliance (IBA) appreciates your constant touch with the updates of its site iba4jesus.
IBA has christians from all over the world veiwing this site and many have expressed a desire to have a regular program to be a Blessing and be Blessed. On these lines, IBA has initiated iba4jesus Partnership Plan.
This plan is explained in 3 simple steps which all would be iba4jesus Partners have to follow:
  1. Promote this site i.e. http//iba4jesus.tripod.com on the Chat or Emails among your other christian friends
  2. Pray for the prayer request that will posted on the site and be a member of the prayer team that will be developed later
  3. You have to send a mail to iba@minister.com subject marked "iba4jesus Partner" as an acknowledgement of particiapation as a partner. Also mention your location and name of the person who introduced you to the site.

So, be a blessing and be blessed!

Join the other christian friends in prayer and sharing today!

Be Blessed!